Ways to reach Bali from Gili Asahan are:
Please find below the estimated travel times and the cost per person when travelling as a couple to Seminyak area. The following are rough estimations designed to help you plan your travels and cannot be guaranteed by us as we do not personally provide the services but only facilitate the booking for you.
1) By fast boat with Gili Getaway
Duration: 3,1 hours
Cost per person: 835.000 IDR
2) By flight
Duration: 4,6 hours
Cost per person: 625.000 IDR
3) By ferry
Duration: 7.9 hours
Cost per person: 345.000 IDR
Most convenient time wise:
1) By fast boat with Gili Getaway
2) By flight
3) By ferry
Most convenient price wise:
3) By ferry
2) By flight
1) By fast boat with Gili Getaway
1) FAST BOAT from Gili Gede, Lombok to Serangan, Bali
We can arrange a local boat taxi from Gili Asahan to Gili Gede (20 minutes ride) after the ticket has been confirmed. You will find all the information about prices and schedules here where you can make the booking by filling in the form and submitting it. We will follow up with availability and confirmation details. The fast boat company offers free dropoff to Seminyak, Kuta, Denpasar, Sanur, Umalas, Canggu Plaza and the Airport. A drop off can be arranged at any location for extra charges depending on the address, these are stated in the link provided below.
Taxi boat from Gili Asahan to Gili Gede
Cost each way: 250.000 IDR per boat
Duration: 15 to 20 minutes
GILI GETAWAY : Gili Gede, Lombok
Duration: 90 minutes
Cost each way per person: 960.000 IDR
Cost return per person: 1.920.000 IDR
Days of operation: Monday, Friday
Gili Gede – Serangan
Check in time: 2:15 pm
Departure: 2:45 pm
Arrival: 4:30 pm
2) FLIGHT– from LOP Lombok Praya International Airport to DPS Ngurah Rai International Airport Denpasar Bali
You can find great flights on traveloka.com or book directly through the airlines websites; Garuda, Wings and Lion Air. They do not accept payments with international debit cards, but you can choose to pay at Indomart of Alfamart which are franchise drugstores that you will find around every corner in Indonesia, they give you some time to make the payment in this way. We will gladly arrange a driver drop off to the airport for IDR 400.000 to be paid to the driver directly. You should contact your hotel in Bali to book an airport pickup on the other side. We suggest to leave Gili Asahan 3,5 hours before the departure time.
NB: Please book the ticket before coming to the island as our internet is not reliable.
Drop off to the Airport
Duration: 1,5 hours
Cost each way: 300.000 IDR per car
3) SLOW FERRY– from Lembar, Lombok to Padang Bai, Bali
We can arrange a drop off in Lembar for IDR 300.000. There is a ferry leaving every hour on the hour, the price is IDR 44.000 per person on foot; you can buy the tickets at the harbor ticket offices. You will have to arrange transport from Padang Bai, Bali to your onward destination.
Lembar, Lombok- Padang Bai, Bali
Duration: 4,5 hours
Schedule: every day /every hour on the hour
walking 44.000 IDR
by motorbike 100.000 IDR
by car 890.000 IDR
Drop off to Lembar: IDR 300.000